Online Indemnity Form | Motorcycle Test Rides at Two Wheel Centre Mansfield Ltd

If you wish to test ride one of our motorcycles, please fill in your details below. We won't use your details for anything other than contacting you about your test ride (if necessary).


In accepting the motorcycle described above, I acknowledge that it is the property of Two Wheel Centre (Mansfield) Ltd (hereafter “TWC”) and it is provided to me on loan subject to the following conditions:

  1. I undertake to return the above-mentioned vehicle in the condition that it was lent to me. I confirm that I will pay an insurance excess fee of £1,000 in the event of damage or loss resulting from accident, theft, negligence or any other breach by me of the terms of this agreement. I also undertake to personally pay for any damage or wear to the vehicle not covered by my insurance upon the return of the vehicle to TWC. I also agree to notify TWC and my insurers should I be involved in an accident on this vehicle.
  2. I agree the motorcycle will be used by the rider named above only.
  3. I agree to keep and maintain the vehicle in good condition at my expense whilst it is in my custody. I will be responsible for any damage to the motorcycle arising from my failure to make necessary maintenance checks at regular intervals, including for engine oil, other lubricants, water, tyre pressures, chain lubrication and adjustment.
  4. I indemnify TWC against any fixed penalty or other fines or costs incurred with respect to the vehicle during the loan/demonstration period.
  5. I will accept full responsibility for personal injuries sustained by any person whilst riding the motorcycle and for any injury, loss or damage ensuing whilst the motorcycle is in my control, except in so far as such injury, loss or damage is caused by any act or default on the part of TWC.

Rider Details